about basic

basic beginnings

We are BASIC – Building Accessible, Safe, Inclusive Communities. Founded in Ballarat in 2023, we are passionate and dedicated to making the world more inclusive and accessible for everyone.

We provide simple, impactful solutions to help businesses and community groups become more inclusive. From the little things like offering magnifiers in restaurants to creating quiet spaces, we help facilitate small changes that have big impacts. We champion the builders, and the believers and guide organisations on their journey to inclusivity.

 We believe in the power of empathy, respect, and kindness. Our mission is to create a world where everyone feels safe and included. By sharing best practices and fostering a community of like-minded organisations, we aim to make accessibility and inclusivity the norm, not the exception. Imagine that! It may sound basic, we all know it’s a long road, but one we’re dedicated to travelling every single day.  Lets get the basics right.

The basic values

Little things can make a big difference

In an increasingly complex society, we can lose the power to listen, empathise and help each other.

BASIC aims to help organisations and community groups realise that there can be small, cost free actions that can be implemented to make yourself more accessible, safe and inclusive. We understand the power of collective leadership and celebrate and elevate the organisations that are trailblazing and connect them to each other. BASIC exists to collaborate and connect not compete.

We exist to educate and raise awareness that small actions can have big impacts and to teach the simplicity of getting the basics right as a stepping stone to accessible, safe and inclusive communities.

meet the team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ut placerat nibh. Quisque in aliquet tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ut placerat nibh. Quisque in aliquet tortor. Quisque ultrices ipsum lectus, quis pellentesque risus tincidunt non. Morbi dictum blandit felis, vitae ultricies nisi. Fusce feugiat magna a mauris dignissim euismod sit amet id mauris. Nam semper leo risus, id vehicula libero varius vel. Nam viverra leo et ullamcorper tristique. Nunc porttitor tincidunt dui, sed cursus ligula suscipit non. Aenean fringilla eleifend dolor vel accumsan. Morbi tempor ultricies lobortis. Donec tellus nisl, molestie et tortor sed, pulvinar interdum justo. Fusce dapibus condimentum leo, nec consequat lorem vestibulum ac. Vestibulum lectus urna, imperdiet a vehicula ac, pulvinar nec augue. Donec turpis magna, condimentum id est ut, mattis viverra ipsum.

Phasellus mauris ante, viverra placerat arcu vel, consequat placerat tortor. Morbi ac dolor blandit, eleifend quam eget, pulvinar sapien. Aliquam quam velit, imperdiet non magna eu, euismod volutpat nisi. Quisque sed posuere felis.

Lynne Duncan

Founder of basic

Heidi Biggin

basic Ambassador

Dee Banks

basic Ambassador
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